We create


Use of Images and Videos

EUC Syd aims to showcase the various aspects of our programs to all current and prospective students, parents, and other interested parties. To achieve this, we use images and videos taken during everyday school activities and various events. We subsequently publish this material on our social media platforms and website. Our legal basis for processing personal data through the publication of images is our public authority function in accordance with GDPR, Article 6, Section 1, Letter e.

We never take pictures that depict you unfavorably, and you can always inform us if you do not want us to use images of you. If we have published a picture of you that you would like removed, you can contact us at kommunikation-es@eucsyd.dk, and we will ensure its immediate removal.

Additionally, we refer to our Privacy Policy for students, where you can read more about how we process your personal data.

In some cases, we need to obtain consent and/or enter into a contract for the publication of images and videos where the student is used as a model for school materials, the website, etc. If a consent form and/or contract is necessary, EUC Syd will provide these separately for signature.