We are 


VET Denmark

Quality and Attractivenessin Cocatinal Education and Training

Vocational education and well-educated skilled workers are essential for any country. It is essential for Denmark and many other countries all over the world. The Danish Consortium for Vocational and Educational Training consists of five VET-schools and providers of further education within the whole range of VET-programs in Denmark and the ongoing education for managers and teachers in Denmark.

Denmark is a modern knowledge and production society that places great emphasis on development, innovation, sustainability and welfare. This is reflected in the many targeted vocational education and training programs, which hold a key position in the Danish society. In Denmark, vocational education is an education that emphasizes practical experience, and most of it is completed in a practical training company such as e.g. smaller and larger companies and workshops.

In Denmark all stakeholders representing companies and employers, social partners and VET providers play an important and equal role in the development of VET education and the quality of the dual educational system.

VET - Denmak will through workshops and presentations focus on the theme Quality and Attractiveness in Vocational Education and Training in order to give examples on how Danish VET-schools and providers of further education work together on raising the awareness, the importance and the esteem of the essential role vocational education plays for the growth in a society.

VET – Denmark members of the Consortium:
IBC, Selandia, Metropol, TEC and EUC Syd.